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ProjectsThe fun side of IT

Gadgets Under Construction

“Gadgets Under Construction” is a not-for-profit website gathering pet projects. It has everything from embedded systems and robotics to advanced web-based financial education systems. The current most popular “Buffalo + Plex” project introduces the Plex Media Server onto the BuffaloTech family of network storage devices.


“PoShAdmin” is a website for PowerShell enthusiasts. It contains PowerShell modules that System Administrators can use to make their lives easier. No matter if it’s connecting to a SQL database, auditing scripts or fixing an outage quickly, PoShAdmin covers all kinds of scenarios in the day of an “Enterprise Guardian”.

Personal blog

Writing a quality personal blog takes effort. To find your audience, find your voice and keep it up. At Philosobear, I discuss different aspects of life through the very narrow view of an IT advisor. It’s a bit like a bear looking through a keyhole. It has a loud voice, but if it doesn’t look out, it misses the point completely. After all, it’s just a silly bear.